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clueQuest’s Print+Cut+Escape Corporate Live Hosted Edition finished the year with a bang!

by clueQuest

published on

There have been many mysterious forces working against global celebrations and holidays this past year, but intel has shed light on a surprising discovery. The Evil Professor was targeting Christmas for a shocking scheme! Over a thousand agents from 36 different companies spanning 10 different countries teamed up with their co-workers to thwart the Evil Professor’s diabolical festive plans as they played Print+Cut+Escape’s Christmas 2.0 Live Hosted Edition this past November and December.

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If you and your colleagues missed out on a remote work party or have placed some virtual team building on the back burner for early 2021, then look no further! Click here to enquire about booking a Print+Cut+Escape Live Hosted event for your team, department or the whole company. As the organiser, you simply make an enquiry, we give you a call, and you hand the baton over to our operatives; they will ensure the printed Game Packs are posted to your colleagues or made available for them to print from home. The whole group clicks on a Zoom or Google Meet link, and the Live Host takes it from there. We have experience hosting groups as large as 100, and all from the safety of their own homes - how convenient! You won’t find an easier commute to help save the world anywhere else! Enquire. Book. Relax.

Here is one of the glowing testimonials we received from some of the events we ran this past holiday season:

As you can see, remotely saving the world with your colleagues certainly makes the virtual holiday work party one to remember. If you are from one of the 36 companies who booked with us in 2020 and can’t wait until next December to book again, don’t worry. Intel shows Mr. and Mrs. Q are in need of some assistance with TimeQuest Live Hosted Edition, so feel free to bring your agents back for some more remote escaping! 

Our experienced team of agents are working tirelessly on modifying the Live Hosted event model to shift the focus from the fun on to the teamwork, problem-solving, and communication skills a team would need to be successful with in any time-sensitive project (or humanity threatening mission). So if virtual team building opportunities are what you’re after, don’t hesitate to get in touch. 

Enquire now

Hope to see you soon, agents.